Full Disclosure Policy (FDP)

What is FDP?

FDP is a government policy that requires local officials of provinces, cities & municipalities to fully disclose particular financial transactions of the LGU to keep their constituents informed of how the LGU budget is managed, disbursed and used.

Importance of FDP

  • It promotes honest, transparent, and orderly management of public funds;
  • It helps minimize, if not totally prevent corruption and misuse of public funds;
  • It increases the people’s awareness of the available public funds and the allocated amount for development projects in their localities.

DILG MC 2013-140

Subject: Implementing Guidelines on the Full Disclosure of Local Budget and Finances, and Bids and Public Offerings

Legal & Administrative Basis
  • Article II, Section 28 of the Phil. Constitution states:
  • It helps minimize, if not totally prevent corruption and misuse of public funds; “Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts & implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest”
  • Section 84 of RA 10352 s 1992, titled, “Use & Disbursement of Internal Revenue Allotment of LGUs” ;
  • Administrative Order No. 267, (General Appropriations Act) FY 2013 re Delegating Certain General Supervisory Powers of the President Over Local Governments to the SILG

Type of Report and Frequency of Posting (portal):

Reports Frequency
Annual Budget Report Annual
Statement of Debt Service Annual
Statement of Receipts & Expenditures Annual
Annual Procurement Plan or Procurement List Annual
Annual Gender and Development (GAD) Accomplishment Report Annual
Trust Fund Utilization Quarterly
20% Component of the IRA Utilization Quarterly
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization Quarterly
Quarterly Statement of Cash Flow Quarterly
Bid Results on Civil Works, Goods and Services, and Consulting Services Quarterly
SEF Utilization Quarterly
Unliquidated Cash Advances Quarterly
Manpower Complement Quarterly
Supplemental Procurement Plan Quarterly

Mandatory Modalities of Posting

  • Post documents in 3 accessible/conspicuous places in the LGU & in the FDPP http://fdpp.dilg.gov.ph with 14 FORMS in MS Excel Format.
  • It may also be posted in the LGU website or in print media of national or local circulation

Posting in the FDPP shall be guided by the following prescribed period

1st Quarter Posting Period (January 1 – March 31)
  • Current Year, Annual Budget
  • Current Year, Annual Procurement Plan or Procurement List
  • Immediately Preceding Year, Statement of Debt Service
  • Immediately Preceding Year, Annual Gender and Development Accomplishment Report
  • Immediately Preceding Year, Statement of Receipts and Expenditures
  • 4th Quaner, Immediately Preceding Year, Quarterly Starement of Cash FIow
  • 4th Quaner, Immediately Preceding Year, Special Education Fund Utilization
  • 4th Quarter, Irnmediately Preceding Year, Trust Fund Utilization
  • 4th Quarter, Immediately Preceding Year, Bid Results on Civil Works and Goods and Services
  • 4th Quarter, Immediately Preceding Year, 20% Component of the Internal Revenue Allotment Utilization
  • 4th Quarter, Immediately Preceding Year, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization
  • 4th Quarter, Immediately Preceding Year, Unliquidated Cash Advances
  • 4th Quarter, Immediately Preceding Year, Manpower Complement
  • 4th Quarter, Immediately Preceding Year, Supplemental Procurement Plan
2nd Quarter Posting Period (April 1 – June 30)
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, Statement of Cash Flow
  • 1st Quarter, Current Year, Special Education Fund Utilization
  • 1st Quarter, Current Year, Trust Fund Utilization
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, Bid Results on Civil Works and Goods and Services
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, 20% Component of the Internal Revenue Allotment Utilization
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Managernent Fund Utilization
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, Unliquidated Cash Advances
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, Manpower Complement
  • lst Quarter, Current Year, Supplemental Procurement Plan
3rd Quarter Posting Period (July 1 – September 30)
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Statement of Cash Flow
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Special Education Fund Utilization
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Trust Fund Utilization
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Bid Results on Civil Works and Goods and Services
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, 20% Component of the Internal Revenue Allotment Utilization
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Unliquidated Cash Advances
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Manpower Complement
  • 2nd Quarter, Current Year, Supplemental Procurement Plan
4th Quarter Posting Period (October 1 – December 31)
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Statement of Cash Flow
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Special Education Fund Utilization
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Trust Fund Utilization
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Bid Results on Civil Works and Goods and Sewices
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, 20olo Component of the Internal Revenue Allotment Utilization
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund Utilization
  • 3rd Quaner, Current Year, Unliquidated Cash Advances
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Manpower Complement
  • 3rd Quarter, Current Year, Supplemental Procurement Plan

Eligibility for Loans of LGUs

Local Government Units (LGUs) are eligible for the issuance of Certificate of Borrowing and Debt Service Capacity by the Bureau of Local Government and Finance (BLGF), provided they are awarded with the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) and have complied with the Fully Disclosure Policy pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-140.

Barangay FDP (MC- 2014-81)

Barangay Budget Annual
Summary of Income and Expenditures Annual
20% Component of IRA Utilization Annual
Annual Procurement Plan Annual
List of Notices of Award Quarterly
Itemized Monthly Collection and Disbursement Monthly
Note: Punong Barangays are encouraged to install a BFDP Board, to post the documents, in an area that can be easily viewed by the public.

Submission of Reports
  • First Quarter Report – on or before April 30
  • Second Quarter Report – on or before July 30
  • Third Quarter Report – on or before October 30; and
  • Fourth Quarter Report – on or before January 30 of the ensuing year.
Barangay Full Disclosure Policy